The research says we need more sleep
You used to think of yourself
as fluent, your tongue an old general.
My Bible verse versus your Bible verse. My rib versus your loins. My blood orange versus your green lawn. My salary versus your 401k. My nanny versus your neighborhood watch.
Wedding, welding — it’s all a slow-and-stop machine. Ignition is the easy bit. You know, sockets oiled, batteries replete as a rose with bees.
Walking is the poetry of the urban space.
Just as a poet uses the same language as everyone else, only for other things and in other ways, a walker walks the same city as other pedestrians, only with a different purpose and perspective.
Google removes ‘don’t be evil’ from its code of conduct
In Stieglitz’s little photographs, sunlight
oozes through scraps of cloud. Dark
presses against light; the spaces wobble
between positive and negative.
High school seniors, we go to a different church
each Sunday, wanting there to be a God so we can
doubt Him. The Quakers are calm, the Methodists jovial.
Smoked salmon on buttered bread, a steak brushed
with olive oil and turned twice over a roaring fire,
Do you ever get that feeling like something bad just happened but
you forgot what it was?
once I owned a wooden door
& a field of ice & I was big-hearted, gentle, prefaced
my friends’ names with sweet & kissed them
and I have never | wanted so instantly | so much
as to be this heterosexual | doctor who scoops
I wish I were as fabulous as Titus
removing a pair of sunglasses
Imagine my surprise to find I’m the only one of me here:
then imagine the exact opposite of that, my lips curled
Maybe he can reshape the doors. Maybe he can carry me through.
The first time you died, your friends
searched the universe to bring you home
He calls again to say he’s upset I’m making it
difficult for him to feel close to her. How I
a hammer to hold onto its handle,
a Phillips head to cozy up
My chest, a jar
of honey knifed
In shorthand, words are written as they are pronounced. Know is written no, say is written sa, sew is written so (GREGG Shorthand Manual Simplified, 1949).
In shorthand, words are written as they are pronounced. Know is written no, say is written sa, sew is written so (GREGG Shorthand Manual Simplified, 1949).
Tonight is my turn, the mattress on the floor stacked with pillows like a pyre
in a field of cotton. Because I’m not your only lover, when you touch me,
Silence becomes word
drop by drop
The barber pops a pill,
sharpens his razor.
Lillian fills a glass bowl
with pebbles, listens
for scratching in the walls.
We fought. He drank. I ripped
open a silver bag of Scrabble tiles
I don’t want distractions, a woman thought one day, I want to pay attention to one thing.
If you do that, came a countering voice in her head, you will be noticed, and noticed for the wrong reasons. The world is
I don’t want to hear how the artist’s
mother died in a house fire or know
all you said was good cooking beautiful all you ate
the beans shaped like pearls & the pineapple sliced
We are the stories people tell about us.
1 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:
1 Be it a naked leg a slow oar of dust taut over
2 Section 1. Intent
2 a canyon tent
Naturally, I was an herbivore, one of the gentle giants with four or more hearts and a placid expression I carried even to the end.
That the insipid rain keeps falling.
That no room fills with light the same way twice.
That sin glistens like oil in a shallow dish.
I’m no good at talking to people
but I’m even worse talking to animals.
Shoulders slung high & tight, collarbone snared
between neck & arm, you rock back, hot snare
popped before the bass, & sing. What god snared
After floating from dive bar to dive bar
a windblown hamburger wrapper
Tom rests finally
in a graveyard on the outskirts of Seattle
Dear Warrant’s “Cherry Pie”: Congratulations on being named the 56th-best rock song of all time. I’m super excited for you!
The doctor tells us that I need
to learn how to cut into
my own skin
The day I left my husband,
a crew was tearing up
the road outside our house,
I believe in a thing called war—
Huh. Yeah. What is every morning?
Some say play dead, some say tourniquet.
I say childhood. Remember lying so still beneath the tree you chose, the birds came back?
Wondering whether you’d be forgotten?
We’d say I love you, but not
in a gay way. High school
boys, we’d only touch
Your desire is a boat and I know it. Curvature of wood and the tense sides of solid to water. It seems simple: you set out, you take a boat. But, the floating, oh, it’s magic. Gliding, like the wail of a voice.
The four ugliest children in Christendom do not
date, eat in public, gossip, talk on the phone, hang-out.
They breathe with their mouths open, wheezing
One brother made my elbows,
the other my knees.
They struck until
Hey you
in the aggravated suit: Did you ever steal
something? And I mean something. Something
My lover & I need
to cross a bridge.
It is chained closed
for the night. My lover
climbs over leaves me
to hunt antelope
once a stiletto stitched a stab wound
on the underside of my heart
when it finally grew hair again, no one could see the scar
But he’s lying—
no longer will dawn
be a sparkling hush
At fifteen, my first boyfriend
forced an earthquake
into my foundation. Entertained
We exist down a road three miles from nowhere in particular, south of where we were born, north of one gulf, in the midst of others. So much blood in this dirt. So much green in the air: tornado season all year. Imagine a cedar tree taller than wind. Imagine a buffet of oaks:
I decide to write more poems
about my father’s dick. I’ve seen it before
birth, the pupil of my mother’s eye a part of mine then.
We must have stared at it, erect with purpose, plunging
How many times have I been told
to bow like a man
with my hands straight at my sides
& held back as I bend?
Plastic Easter eggs strewn across a lawn barren
but blades of grass.
After surgery, her body weighted against
a wooden chair, eyes mid-blink, her face
curtained by a dark mass of hair, Frida lets
out curls of smoke from the left hand’s cigarette.
We were storms inside.
I was picturing an ash-red winter
& no one could stop me.
I arrange trinkets on a foldaway chair
a lock of your hair the handle of a teacup
the nub of a candle from the winter I ate
only mints and stones and mourned our dog
In dating and quantum mechanics,
a sure thing is no thing at all.
Examined, possibilities collapse: one brilliant
array of electron collision
I learned from Shayla’s older sister
that food sweetens on the tongue
when (yes those strawberries tasted
like a sugar spill of blood and seeds)
Wandering through the meadow searching for places where the dirt shows through— looking to where the trees touch the sky, thinking everything must be written in the grasses.
At an outdoor table set for a child’s tea party, a little blonde girl is using a saw to slice a ham inscribed with the words “Corpus Christi,” which is Latin for body of Christ.
Limbs pinned or slack, body relaxed, under attack, stiff hard smack. Darkness. A little dizzy, language escaping, the word no, its siblings: not right now, I don’t know, wait, please, stop.
Last night I wrote about a boy
on the side of the highway selling
Get out. Look at the moon,
your lucky red penny. One day the world
Who deserves the desert of their own intellect?
The detailed map of our deterioration
In this one I’ve just put my beer down on an amp
and it’s crackling. She’s saying
We could have lengthened our year by three hours, improved our float
in a failing atmosphere. As I understand it, you have a nucleus and a head
You know that lemonade you make from powder
I know a guy that would pour it dry into his palm
When it happens & you
have no notification
The sun hung from a noose
and all the blackflies were swarming
and was it so hard, leaving, did
two hours slept in the past two days
& aren’t we too old for this
When we met, you said
you wanted a woman
who could kill you.
Worst. Therapy. Couch. Ever. I got off
my stool at The Android’s Dungeon
for this? Allow me to introduce myself.
She molders. Shrouded in seabirds and the stink
of the sand. Dynamite, leeward heave-ho
tucked beneath her ribs, a jail for urchins.
Where through the window can god see this
catastrophe of love? I want him to see it. I want
to show him my kneecaps so he’ll know he’s a fraud.
I want to emulate the timbre
of Newman’s squeal,
There was nothing in that drawer
except for what we would put there.
Those were the spare years. An annuity
of silence. Allow them that space. Allow
the years to collect like barrels of rain,
an oily and blue backdrop in the yard.
I stand stiff as a sparrow,
cane hard as a tree branch
in my hand.
Little boy full of beetles,
girl with lightning hair,
It’s like being in love All he wants are dogs
The author tells us how he feels stoned in his
You will go between swift ships, tall ships, my friend—a blackbird on the battlements, ready to risk your life for Caesar’s. Maecenas, what about us?
Sometimes, I see a man standing
with his back to me, and I read
youth in the slant of his spine,
We’re warned all water drains to sewers.
In rivers, fathers who escape
the house wash hands after weeding.
At night, the fission loves us, lathers us over,
makes our teeth glow like low watt lanterns in the dark of our beds.
coming to some crooked
sense here in the end room,
a currency,
Just row houses roped in with seatbelts,
No hope but an answer of a riddle.
Now I’m supposed to love myself,
clasp these hands together
as if they weren’t made to cup
Why do Chopin’s fingers slip into the piano keys
seamlessly as gondolas into a canal? The étude
of our loneliness begins with rainfall and dwindles to sand.
I spy, I spy that dream I should not be watching.
On each red rope of the swimming pool, dicks,
dicks, and more dicks. I swim and try to hold my breath
Our friends build a fire on the beach again.
We eye the drunkest one. He has a habit
of throwing sand on the blaze whenever his girl
Did I get your eyes right
in yesterday’s poem?
I’m tired of thinking of all you dead.
The black masks of your graves,
the visions you stir in me.
before the sky has gone to weeping, the trees
are scarred & bleeding sap. Chewed to ruin
by moths building tents in their leaves.
around 1, behind the H & M,
to send hot Caleb from Chem 6
who texted me a pic of his cousin in a ski mask
I’m offered a water, and a tea, so I take both, because I’m thirsty. And the more options the better,
or so I tell myself.
On the streets, these crowded lines of stores
and delivery trucks idling, the backfire
of my manager’s Chevy is my father’s hand
The forest is never silent. Each rock
waits its turn. The river misleads:
impatience is rare. In the valley,
Christopher’s Bar is all full up and Liquor World is closed already.
So I wander down the avenue looking for someplace to take me in,
clutching a Brautigan in my coat in case I need some conversation.
Now it’s all smoke and climbing high
into the tree-houses of the unconscious,
He took my hand, led me to the bathroom, opened the door and slipped in. The bathroom was dark. Through the partially opened window, an apartment with a yellow breakfast nook.
Infection. I loll my head to the side in
the dim stillness, you loll your head into
Kenneth has his pecker out
again. We can see him
from the window, twisting his hips
I won a fraternity kissing contest
in college. I still have the photo—
chubby dumpling me, squeezed
Today I am staying in my t-shirt and underwear
with so much sadness
in every ounce of my body,
Swimming laps in the sound to erase the head
cold he can’t seem to shake. Small doses
As I stand in line at the bank
an armored car pulls up and the guard comes in.
They do not make iced coffee here
and Fox News is bolted to the ceiling,
cranky as an old crow.
I used to sleep with this guy who studied Japanese ghosts in literature. He’d talk about them while I was trying to go to sleep and the names stuck in my head long after I’d forgotten his.
the sun went down about a half mile from here. 1
we watched it settle over the houses and fall away,
finally, into the shoulders of every living thing around.
the rain sings insistence, sings like a tinfoil package
Everything in baseball is measurable:
Men stand sixty-feet-six-inches from the pitching rubber
with pine-tarred bats & dirty palms.
Something about travel
makes us lighter. We drive
to Missouri, and I discover
As families arrive comics rehearse bits. As
bar-backs fold towels. As napkins and bottles
are checked and emptied. As another ticket
The lack of an atmosphere, a planet
viewed against the blackness of space.
I didn’t choose to sleep at Taco Bell
When we learned
about the earth in orbit
and began to feel ourselves
In the side yard of an apartment house,
a length of twine extended from a downspout
to the trunk of sapling, and hung upon it
in the motionless air, an array of lacy
intimate garments, as they are sometimes called
Her jewelry always gets clumped
together in the jewelry box,
chains clutch each other,
odd earrings lodged in the links.
A quake bucks
against the flush plates
of my heel, up
New Orleans, you beautiful bitch, you.
When the shattered rattle of the road
ricochets too hard, you always
my father’s death wish)
smoke blown into the thinness
of my face
Timing is everything, as they say,
though who they is I don’t know,
but the fact that you didn’t see me
Like us, the hard-charging businessman is having dinner
on the terrace of the hotel at Mycenae, only he is taking
I live in endless theorem. I live relentless correction. You didn’t tell me that we could sell the art: fiscal touching, fiscal touching in the courtyard. It elicits a response. Looking around the house peeling the wallpaper off, all so salable.
Crowded on a pull out bed, we
paired, hairbrushes and color palettes
in hand, going to work on the other,
pulled glossy rivulets from scalps,
is broken only by his Violet, Green and Red, 1951, the vertical longer than the
horizontal, I like its looming presence.
Where has summer gone so heartlessly?
I slept two sleeps, and in between
After we make love and you are asleep,
I try to hear your breath without touch, spilling
out of a closed mouth, or maybe see it
in the stomach’s slow lift or the throat’s
I am happy, I think, then wonder
what happiness is –– a crow
taking dictation or a schooner
He has made a comeback in my bed
like the last act of a lounge set,
perhaps a lover from a past life, reminding me
we once had it all, or nothing at all,
Well, I see it very much as a performance.
Well, yeah, I had to learn publicly through trial and error.
Shutter as the bulls throat is slit I
take photographs of the hydrogen
o throne flare, when I O
It is they who have seen the fleeting side of us, the condom left like a snake run
over by a car. It is they who pick up the empty cans refilled with who knows what
near where wonder
wears inexpensive symptoms
size indicates age more so
Because your days were tethered
to oversized moths, or bleeding aluminum
awnings, we could only go so far
An economy of touches,
your hand, my hand
your hair, my hand
your swallowing throat,
my lips but no further.
Come spring, if we wanted it, there was work
at any one of those farms scattered like lawn darts
beyond the blacktop, sprawling mansions
It happens in a Hong Kong hooker hotel,
off Nathan Road. A round bed under mirrors,
girlie pinups gazing from candy-pink walls:
It was our age finally starting to show.
The airplanes overhead
filled with firecrackers and bone china
The battle is beneath us, internal
& spread all over the lawn, registered
in our nature to be the simplest seed
We were no longer in love. The sky, too, was beginning to show its wear. A silk lining could be seen through every slit in the dark green fabric.
You never claimed that God commissioned you to paint the screams of the animals being slaughtered. Your many persecutors whispered it in the street and outside your window.
The dancer every day striving for perfection but not
wanting to attain, be done, run out; yet wanting, if
the finish is the sun god. Every day, limb warm at bar
There was the car ride back from Arizona
or how the light just played like
a misfiring trombone that was the real stuff.
I painted you sunflowers, fat and rusty golden and broken stemmed.
You wrote me about why the war was wrong and I pictured your nipple hair.
He kills a hundred birds to do this. They are tiny birds. Boy uses a lot of glue but I can still smell the meat. The cage is shaped like a phone booth. It is big enough for two people but the sides are fragile.
In a violent sky I gunpowder in a sentence with you.
This house owes me: I once held walls.
Now my back is a mistake you made from scratch.
I was in that car cemetery
rats and mangled metal
busted glass and snapping dogs
Todd is lonely. Todd is the only one awake
in the house; it’s 9 p.m. Todd is nodding
to the beat of the music. Todd is watching TV
At Miss Hooker’s funeral I’ll fall in
love with her all over again, red hair
and green eyes and freckles and her eyes closed
like they used to be when she recited
the Lord’s Prayer at the end of Sunday
School class and I peeked to see how she looked
since this shell’s
collapsed and I have been intoxicated
with this hard joy of immediacy and a world
without blunder or hesitation. It has been irritating —
Remember night Tall Palms. Repeat this when the repetition is all you are willing to answer. Remember the ripple when your toes passed over her toes.
What flavors can you glean
from the wine can you reverse it
into grapes? The open earth
What flavors can you glean
from the wine can you reverse it
into grapes? The open earth