Minor Subjects
Loose-jawed anchovy swimming circles in the aquarium
& from a cheek pressed against the laminated glass: is that
fish hurt?
New book u rly want for $17 vs. used book u got for
Sitting in the chair labeled not the poet’s chair
Having thoughts of going into tech
Half-broken umbrella finishes breaking in the wind
Indecisive spring/stubborn winter
Among a list of things that don’t want to be metaphors:
earthworm on the ground not dead
Driving through Spreckels in the dark
The two queer households in Spreckels
On TV, a man in love moves in circles around the man he
& a song with a single line goes on for hours: once again I
fall into—
A room to walk out of
The longest line at airport security
Where, before we enter
You & I pour reverse osmosis water down a sink
Laetitia Keok (@iaetitia) is a writer and editor from Singapore. Her poetry has been placed for the Adrienne Rich Poetry Award, the Oxford Poetry Prize, and is published in Poetry Northwest, Diode, Wildness, and elsewhere. She has received scholarships from Singapore's National Arts Council and the Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown. Currently, Laetitia edits for Sine Theta Magazine and is an MFA candidate in Poetry at New York University.