Citrus BangerZ


For Luke


to reiterate, the theme is lemons because I’m sour & yellow.
you’re allowed to laugh & if anybody tries to give you shit,
remind them it’s my funeral & you had your gas tank filled up,
ready to drive the 7 hours from OH to VA & back that tomorrow
just so I could be bright wigged & bunk bedding with you.
promise me again I’ll be impeccably lit & you’ll knock out
anybody who mentions my clitoris. try to get Mark Wahlberg 
if you can, tell him it was my dying wish to hear him call me
a slant eyed gook & make sure to hire a discreet camera crew 
& try to get him to mention my clitoris while you’re at it. 
please carry me but not forever; lay down enoki mushrooms 
by my cave then suddenly forget. Luke, I have never been 
so hopeful or unafraid of dying & yes, I will miss you & hate 
knowing how ugly you will cry but  at least we had the foresight 
to make this playlist together  at least we had together 
                                                           at least the vibe is going to be tight.


E Yeon Chang 이연 (@changeyeon) is a current MFA candidate and Goldwater Fellow at New York University. A former Editor-in-Chief of West 10th, she has received recognition from the Tory Dent Research Scholarship and the Academy of American Poets. Her work has appeared in Hobart Pulp, Pacifica Literary Review, Nat. Brut and elsewhere. E Yeon most often writes about 웅녀 [Ungnyeo], the Bear Woman from Korea’s origin myth.

poetry, 2021SLME Yeon Chang