The research says we need more sleep
Read MoreYou used to think of yourself
as fluent, your tongue an old general.
My Bible verse versus your Bible verse. My rib versus your loins. My blood orange versus your green lawn. My salary versus your 401k. My nanny versus your neighborhood watch.
Read MoreWedding, welding — it’s all a slow-and-stop machine. Ignition is the easy bit. You know, sockets oiled, batteries replete as a rose with bees.
Read MoreWalking is the poetry of the urban space.
Just as a poet uses the same language as everyone else, only for other things and in other ways, a walker walks the same city as other pedestrians, only with a different purpose and perspective.
Google removes ‘don’t be evil’ from its code of conduct
Read MoreIn Stieglitz’s little photographs, sunlight
oozes through scraps of cloud. Dark
presses against light; the spaces wobble
between positive and negative.
High school seniors, we go to a different church
each Sunday, wanting there to be a God so we can
doubt Him. The Quakers are calm, the Methodists jovial.
Read MoreSmoked salmon on buttered bread, a steak brushed
with olive oil and turned twice over a roaring fire,
Do you ever get that feeling like something bad just happened but
you forgot what it was?
once I owned a wooden door
& a field of ice & I was big-hearted, gentle, prefaced
my friends’ names with sweet & kissed them
and I have never | wanted so instantly | so much
as to be this heterosexual | doctor who scoops