All the Beautiful Are Blameless


there are no dumb questions

only dumb ppl

financing a bid for local office

the man losing the election said the poors eat chef boyardee

like the brazilian insistent on speaking spanish

somewhat resembling a faun

not nearly as cute as the two hotties

ducking into the pho restaurant for their secret date

two fawn leaving a clearing

cuteness causing paralysis

plain-looking girl thrown out for smelling like corpse flower, blaming foucault (punctured rectum)

rare rutabaga is a loaner (loner?)

workshop meaningless amid juice cleanse

if u had a blog i would read it

on my first trip to japan i took photos of license plates & cats on bicycles ONLY

i don’t want to scare u

but i think meeting u

this purple noon

means our relationship or situationship or w/e

is one of the most consequential encounters of my life

Michael Chang (they/them) (@MCHANGPOET) is the author of Almanac of Useless Talents (CLASH Books, 2022) and Synthetic Jungle (Northwestern University Press, 2023). Tapped to edit Lambda Literary’s Emerge anthology, their poems have been nominated for Best New Poets, Best of the Net, and the Pushcart Prize. They were awarded the Poetry Project’s Brannan Prize and serve as a poetry editor at the acclaimed journal Fence.