From the Writing Desk of: Kathryn Ross

Kathryn Ross’s writing space

Kathryn Ross’s writing space

What's In the Picture

  1. Bed

  2. Laptop

  3. Cat (don't really have a choice! She just shows up!)

  4. Low light

  5. Remote (to distract myself with TV)

  6. Lamps

  7. Posters

  8. Bookshelf/Books

  9. Notebooks

  10. Paintings (my own art!)

  11. Bulletin Board

What's Not In the Picture

  1. Clutter (cluttered space = cluttered mind)

  2. Overly bright light

Kathryn Ross’s “In the World Where I Do Not Exist” appeared in Split Lip’s October 2016 issue, and her debut collection of essays Black Was Not a Label is officially out from PRONTO!

She describes the collection as “…a lamentation prayer to Father God. It is a meditation on love and desire, on feeling undesirable. It is a struggle between the realities of my past, the horrors of my ancestral history. It is a declaration of faith in the face of deep disappointments. It is a love letter to my body, my skin, my hair. It is my soul bound up in words.”

To purchase your copy, visit PRONTO.