Now Playing: February 2024

Our February 2024 edition of Now Playing features irresistible melodies and book playlists, all from our contributors!

Ani King

I'm recently obsessed with Bad Man by FIGHTMASTER, it's one of those songs that tells a lot of story with a few words and it's just so deeply queer and such an ear worm that I find myself listening to it at least once a day. 

Janet Stapelman

While I work I listen to recorded books. I create listening projects, where I listen to as many books as I can by the same author, or I’ll pick a theme like “all the Pulitzer Prize winners”. Recently, ten novels by Jonathan Lethem and currently, Chesapeake by James A. Michener. Although he’s criticized for too much description, I get a good sense of the landscapes, histories and issues of the time in his books.

Then I get lonely for the voice of my favorite author and I listen again to It by Stephen King, or line up all the books from “The Dark Tower” saga.

But when I’m forced by guilt to do housework, I ramp up Spotify and my Boom3 loud enough to defeat the vacuum and rock the Stones. Most recently, “Voodoo Lounge.”

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