Just One Thing with Janet Stapelman

Janet Stapelman’s artwork “Factory with Red Lights” is alive with texture, beautiful geometric precision, and brilliant color. Here she shares just one thing about the piece:

“‘Factory with Red Lights’ is one of four geometric architectural fantasies used as my framework for exploring color relationships. In this, the split complementaries blue/green and orange/red dominate the palette. It’s difficult to see in photographs how the color values shift as the twisted, satiny thread changes direction.”

This is a process shot of my current project, “The Blessing”, taken across my drafting table and out the door of my studio, a converted 10’x16’ shed. I live on a flyway and I’m visited by a great variety of birds. I tried, unsuccessfully, to capture in the picture a magnificent black crow who has been grubbing in the yard. I’ve been working on this piece a little over 200 hours.

SLMblog, just one thing