The Fam Roundup: May 2024

This May was an abundant month for the SLM Fam; let the dazzling work of our staff and contributors brighten your day.

Publications, Interviews, & Reviews


  • Contributor Leila Renee’s debut novel Soft Spots is forthcoming in 2026 from Amistad Books

  • Flash Editor Amy Stuber’s book Sad Grownups is forthcoming on October 8 from Stillhouse Press and is available for preorder now 

  • Contributor Casey Mulligan Walsh's memoir The Full Catastrophe: All I Ever Wanted, Everything I Feared is forthcoming in February 2025 from Motina Books 

  • Contributor Kristine Langley Mahler’s book of erasure essays, Teen Queen Training, is forthcoming in Spring 2026 from Autofocus Lit

  • Contributor KB Brookins’ memoir Pretty was published by Penguin Random House; order here! 

  • Former poetry editor William Fargason’s second book Velvet was published with Northwestern University Press; order here

  • Contributor Diannely Antigua’s book Good Monster was published with Copper Canyon Press; order here

Awards, Honors, & News 
