Congrats to our Best of the Net 2019 winners!

You know that feeling when you’re keeping a secret so magnificent that your heart’s pumping confetti instead of blood? We’ve been keeping this secret for weeks—and we’re so glad that we can finally share the good news!

Congratulations to contributors Cortney Lamar Charleston and Justin Jannise, whose Split Lip Magazine poems have been selected for the 2019 Best of the Net anthology!

If you missed Cortney’s poem “The Poets Are All Pretty Pleased with Themselves Tonight” or Justin’s poem “An Extra Heart,” you can read them in the online Best of the Net anthology now—along with the work of so many other out-of-this-world-talented authors.


Best of the Net editor (and SLM contributor!) Darren C. Demaree said that “the risks taken in this year's submissions were immense,” and we couldn’t agree more. Let’s celebrate by giving Cortney and Justin lots of virtual high-fives and sharing their incredible work far and wide!
