Interview / Review Submissions


Split Lip Magazine is interested in reviews and interviews from recently released (within the last nine months) or forthcoming literary collections. We will not consider submissions written by a friend or family member of the reviewer/interviewer. If you've received a rejection from us, please do not resend the same work; we will not reconsider it. We will not consider any work that is not a review or interview. One submission (query or pre-written draft) at a time, please. We take queries/pitches on spec, and if we accept a query/pitch from you, we can try to get a copy of the book!

Please also note that we don’t keep a list of books we’re interested in or a stable of writers on hand for reviews/interviews. If you know someone who’d like to cover your collection, have them submit to us!

See our Ground Rules for additional guidelines.

We pay $50 for reviews/interviews.

REVIEWS should be roughly 800 to 1800 words.

INTERVIEWS should be roughly 1,000 to 2,000 words.

MICRO REVIEWS should be 250-500 words. Please visit our micro review query form for details and to submit.

Have any other questions? Email us at!

To submit, you’ll need …

  • a description of the review/interview —OR— the completed review/interview (if you’d like us to consider a draft via email, send a Word doc!)

  • a short bio

  • one or two examples of critical work, if possible

Please complete the query form below.

You can use this form to send us a query or a completed interview/review! Keep in mind that the form doesn’t send a confirmation email, so if you’ve pressed submit, chances are good it made it to our inbox! However, if the form doesn’t work for you, feel free to email us your submission instead. Regardless of how you send your work, please send your pitch/piece just once, and be sure to check your spam folder if you haven't heard back, as sometimes our responses end up there. Thank you!