The Staff

We’re a bunch of passionate weirdos who believe in voice, honesty, and the human need for stories.

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Wendy Oleson

Managing Editor

Wendy Oleson (@weoleson) is the author of two award-winning prose chapbooks, Please Find Us (Gertrude Press) and Our Daughter and Other Stories (Map Literary). Her fiction and poetry have appeared in dozens of venues, including Denver Quarterly, Passages North, Carve Magazine, Copper Nickel, Best of the Net 2018 anthology, and SmokeLong Quarterly: Best of the First Ten Years. Wendy has an MFA from Oregon State and a PhD in English from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. She’s a 2019 GAP grant recipient from Artist Trust. Wendy also serves as associate prose editor at Fairy Tale Review. Find out more here.

Maureen Langloss


Maureen Langloss (@maureenlangloss) is a lawyer-turned-writer and mother-of-three living in New York City. Her writing has been published in Ploughshares, Kenyon Review, Alaska Quarterly Review, CutBank, Best Small Fictions, The Journal, Wigleaf, and elsewhere. She received the Copper Nickel Editor’s Prize in Prose in 2020. Her work made the distinguished story list in The Best American Short Stories, 2022, and has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net. Find her online at


Denise Weber

Art Director

Denise Weber is a graphic designer whose love for letterforms grew alongside her love for words. She can often be found outside creeping on bugs and lizards, or inside making fermented goodies and other potions.

Amy Stuber

Print Issue Editor & Flash Editor

Amy Stuber (@amy_stuber_) is a fiction writer with work in The New England Review, Ploughshares, Wigleaf, Joyland, American Short Fiction, Copper Nickel, West Branch, The Antioch Review, and elsewhere. She is online at

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Rita Mookerjee

Poetry Editor

Rita Mookerjee is an Assistant Teaching Professor in the Women's and Gender Studies Program at Iowa State University. She is a 2019-2020 Fulbright Fellow to Jamaica. Her poetry is featured or forthcoming in Aaduna, New Orleans Review, Sinister Wisdom, Queen Mob's Teahouse, and Cosmonauts Avenue. She is the author of the chapbook Becoming the Bronze Idol (Bone & Ink Press, 2019).


Krys Malcolm Belc

Memoir Editor

Krys Malcolm Belc (@krysmalcolmbelc) is the author of the flash nonfiction chapbook In Transit (The Cupboard Pamphlet) and the memoir The Natural Mother of the Child (Counterpoint). His essays have appeared in Granta, The Rumpus, Black Warrior Review, and elsewhere. His work has been listed in the Wigleaf Top 50 and has been anthologized in Best of the Net 2018 and he's won contests at Redivider and Pigeon Pages. Krys lives in Philadelphia with his partner and their four young children.

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Janelle Bassett

Fiction Editor

Janelle Bassett’s (@hazmatcat) story collection, Thanks for This Riot, won the Prairie Schooner Raz-Shumaker Book Prize in Fiction and will be published by University of Nebraska Press in 2024. Her writing has appeared in The Rumpus, New Delta Review, Smokelong Quarterly, American Literary Review, The Offing, Washington Square Review, Wigleaf, and Best Microfiction 2023. She lives in St. Louis and is online at


Anna Cabe

Fiction Editor

Anna Cabe (@annablabs) is a Pinay-American writer from Memphis, TN. She received her MFA in fiction from Indiana University and was formerly the nonfiction editor for Indiana Review. Her writing has appeared or is forthcoming in such venues as Bitch Media, Terraform, The Toast, SmokeLong Quarterly, storySouth, Joyland, and Fairy Tale Review and has been anthologized in Forward: 21st Century Flash Fiction, Not My President, and Unbroken Circle: Stories of Cultural Diversity in the South. Among other honors, she was the second runner-up in StoryQuarterly's Sixth Annual Fiction Prize and a 2018-2019 Fulbright Fellow in the Philippines, where she worked on a novel. You can find Anna at


Amanda Schroeder

Web Editor

Amanda Schroeder lives in California where she writes, makes ceramics, and works online. You can find her at

Daniel Garcia

InteR/e/views Editor

Daniel Garcia's essays appear or are forthcoming in SLICE, Ninth Letter, Guernica, Passages North, The Offing, The Kenyon Review Online, and elsewhere. Poems appear or are forthcoming in The Puritan, The Arkansas International, Ploughshares, Zone 3, Gulf Coast, and others. A recipient of awards, prizes, grants, and scholarships from Bat City Review, So to Speak, Tin House, PEN America, and others, Daniel is a former prose intern for GASHER Journal and reader for Frontier Poetry. Daniel’s essays also appear as Notables in The Best American Essays. Daniel tweets @daniellovesyooh.

Wendy Elizabeth Wallace

Social Media + Marketing Director

Wendy Elizabeth Wallace (she/they) is a queer disabled writer. She grew up in Buffalo, New York, and has now landed in Connecticut by way of Pennsylvania, Berlin, Heidelberg, and Indiana. They are the co-founding editor of Peatsmoke Journal. Her work has appeared in The Rumpus, ZYZZYVA, Brevity, Pithead Chapel, Smokelong Quarterly, and elsewhere. Find them on Twitter @WendyEWallace1 or at

SG Huerta

Social Media + Marketing Director

SG Huerta is a queer Xicanx writer from Dallas. They are the author of two poetry chapbooks, The Things We Bring with Us (Headmistress Press) and Last Stop (Defunkt Magazine). Their work has appeared or is forthcoming in Houston City Hall, The Offing, Bodega Magazine, just femme & dandy, Infrarrealista Review, and elsewhere. They are a 2023 Roots Wounds Words Fellow and the poetry editor of Abode Press. They live in Texas with their partner and two cats. Find them at

Carolina V. Mata

Social Media + Marketing Director

Carolina V. Mata is a queer Mexican-American writer and bruja from the Coachella Valley. She earned her MFA in Fiction from CSU, Fresno where she served as Senior Fiction Editor for The Normal School and Vice President of The San Joaquin Literary Association. She’s been published in The San Joaquin Review, The Painted Cave, the Wild Blue Zine, and Psychopomp Magazine.


Treasurer & Senior Flash Reader

Ruth LeFaive (@ruthlefaive) is a writer in Los Angeles. Her fiction has appeared in Atticus Review, Little Fiction, The Offing, and elsewhere. Her Split Lip Magazine flash story was included in Best Small Fictions 2018. Her interviews with prominent authors have appeared in Longreads, The Rumpus, and Split Lip Magazine. She provides bookkeeping services for a variety of performing arts and entertainment companies. Find her online at

Becky Robison

Contributing Editor

Becky Robison (@Rebb003) masquerades as a corporate employee in Chicago, but at heart she is a writer and a world traveler. A graduate of University of Nevada Las Vegas’ Creative Writing MFA program, she’s currently working on a novel. Her fiction has appeared in [PANK], Paper Darts, Midwestern Gothic, and elsewhere.

Kendra Fortmeyer

Contributing Editor

Kendra Fortmeyer (@kendraffe) is the author of the magical realist young adult novel Hole in the Middle and graduate of the Clarion Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers’ workshop with an MFA from the New Writers Project at the University of Texas at Austin. Her fiction has won the Pushcart Prize and appeared in The Best American Nonrequired Reading, One Story, The Toast, Lightspeed, and elsewhere. Kendra was born and raised in the woods of North Carolina, and in quiet moments, her heart creeps back to the green and sleepy Piedmont with cicada-thick trees. She’s currently writing about ghosts, sex, and teen girl agency in Austin, Texas.


Michele Finn Johnson

Contributing Editor

Michele Finn Johnson (@m_finn_johnson) grew up outside of Philadelphia and migrated west as soon as she could. She founded an environmental strategy consulting firm 20 years ago and is trying to save the earth, one tree at a time. Her work appears or is forthcoming in a number of journals and anthologies, including Best Small Fictions 2019, Colorado Review, Mid-American Review, Booth, Barrelhouse, DIAGRAM, and elsewhere. Find her wandering through the desert in Tucson or visit

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Josée Link

Contributing Editor

Born to a Cuban family in Luxembourg, Jane has always existed at the intersections between various languages (6) and cultures. When not criticising her white-washed undergraduate degree in English literature at The University of Edinburgh, studying for a masters in African literature at the School of Oriental and African Studies and trying to break into publishing, she is editing various publications like The Publishing Post and her beloved Afro-literary platform bigblackbooks. Jane is passionate about Black voices and dreams of one day setting up an independent company dedicated to publishing those voices. When not reading crime, historical fiction, self-help, or memoir, she is writing disconcerting confessional poetry and agonising over her first chapbook. Find her gallivanting around South London or on Twitter @verybookishjane.

Jerilynn Aquino

Contributing Editor

Jerilynn Aquino is a Puerto Rican writer from New Jersey. Her work has appeared in Salt Hill, Booth, The Journal, Gulf Coast, and in Reed Magazine as the AWP Intro Journals Award winner for Nonfiction. She received her M.F.A. in Fiction from Temple University and is currently pursuing her Ph.D. in Creative Nonfiction at Oklahoma State University. You can find her on Twitter @jerilynnaquino or on her website

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Molia Dumbleton

Assistant Fiction Editor

Molia (Molly) Dumbleton’s fiction has appeared in The Sun Magazine, Ecotone, The Kenyon Review, New England Review, and elsewhere, and been selected for inclusion in Best Small Fictions and the Wigleaf Top 50. She is a member of the Ragdale curatorial board and teaches Creative Writing at DePaul University. More at

Analía Villagra

Assistant Fiction Editor

Analía Villagra (@isleofanalia) has short fiction in The Iowa Review, New Ohio Review, Water~Stone Review, Bat City Review, and others. After many years of killing houseplants in Florida, New York, and Connecticut, she now has a thriving windowsill of succulents in Oakland, California. You can find her online at

Anne Rasmussen

Assistant Fiction Editor

Anne Rasmussen lives in Portland, Oregon. She has taught writing in jail, advised graduate students, and constructed giant bear costumes worn by Rockettes. Her writing appears in Blood Orange Review, Sundog Lit, Barren Magazine, The Southeast Review, and elsewhere. She also serves as an Assistant Fiction Editor at Pithead Chapel. Find links and other fun facts at

Ra’Niqua Lee

Assistant Fiction Editor

Ra’Niqua Lee (@raniqualee) has an MFA from Georgia State University. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Cream City Review, Smokelong Quarterly, Indiana Review, Passages North, and elsewhere. She has received support from New York State Summer Writers Institute. She was a participant in the Tin House and the Kenyon Review summer workshops. In 2021, the Georgia Writers Association awarded her the inaugural John Lewis Writing Grant for fiction. Her flash collection For What Ails You is currently forthcoming from ELJ Editions.

Star Su

Assistant Flash Editor

Star Su is a writer and engineer. She grew up in Michigan and now lives in New York. Her short stories have been chosen by Yiyun Li as a finalist in Porter House Review's 2021 Editor Prize and K-Ming Chang as first runner-up in Black Warrior Review's 2021 fiction contest. Her fiction appears or is forthcoming in Black Warrior Review, Joyland, The Offing, & elsewhere. She is currently working on a short story collection. Find them online at


Assistant Flash Editor

Erica Frederick is a queer, Haitian-American writer and MFA candidate in fiction at Syracuse University. She has received fellowships from VIDA, Lambda Literary, and the Hurston/Wright Foundation. Her work has been selected for Best Microfiction 2023 and she is currently at work on her first novel, Fight in the Night. You can find her tweeting into the void @ericafrederick.

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jj peña

Print Issue Assistant Editor

jj peña is a queer, burrito-blooded writer living & existing in el paso, texas. he is the winner of blue earth review's 2019 flash fiction contest, cutbank's 2019 big sky, small prose contest, & mythic picnic's 2020 postcard prize. his work has been nominated for best micro-fiction, best small-fiction, is included in the best micro-fiction 2020 anthology, & wigleaf top 50 (2020). his stories have appeared in, or are forthcoming from, hobart, new delta review, wigleaf, the kenyon review, & elsewhere.


Susan Lerner

Assistant Memoir Editor

Susan Lerner's creative nonfiction has appeared in The Rumpus, Painted Bride Quarterly, and other lovely venues, as well as in the anthology Flash Nonfiction Funny. Her interviews with writers Jonathan Franzen, Joyce Carol Oates, Meghan Daum, and others appear in Booth. She holds an MFA in Creative Writing from Butler University, and is a former nonfiction editor of Booth. She is an assistant editor at Brevity, and reads for Creative Nonfiction Magazine, Bellevue Literary Review, River Teeth, TriQuarterly, and Fourth Genre. She considers it an honor to be able to read creative nonfiction submissions and loves to champion emerging writers. Find her online at and on Twitter/Instagram @susanlitelerner

Jeneé Skinner

Assistant Memoir Editor

Jeneé has a degree in Creative Writing and went abroad to the University of Oxford to study Renaissance Literature and the Italian Renaissance. Her work has appeared in Catapult, Roxane Gay’s The Audacity, Crazyhorse Online, and elsewhere. Additionally, she won Michigan Quarterly Review's Jesmyn Ward Prize. She has received fellowships from Tin House Summer Workshop and Kimbilio Writers Retreat. She was the Writing in Color Book Project Fellow for the Lighthouse Writers Workshop. Her work has been nominated for Best Microfiction, Best of the Net, and a Pushcart. She’s an MFA candidate at the Iowa Writers’ Workshop and can be found on Twitter @SkinnerJenee or Instagram @jskin94. More of her work is listed at

CD Eskilson

Assistant Poetry Editor

CD Eskilson is a trans poet, editor, and translator living in Fayetteville, Arkansas. Their work appears in The Offing, Pleiades, Ninth Letter, Hayden's Ferry Review, and others. They are a recipient of the C.D. Wright/Academy of American Poets Prize, as well as a Best of the Net, Best New Poets, and Pushcart Prize nominee. CD's debut poetry collection, Scream / Queen, is forthcoming from Acre Books.

Youngseo Lee

Assistant Poetry Editor

Youngseo Lee is based in New Jersey, though she is from Seoul and Arizona. She is the founding editor-in-chief of Pollux Journal, a literary magazine dedicated to multilinguality, and a translator at The Hanok Review. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in diode poetry journal, Passages North, Asymptote, and more that you can find at

Allison Weissman

Assistant Art Editor

Allison Weissman is a writer and graphic designer from New Jersey. They’re a dual-genre MFA candidate in fiction and creative nonfiction at Virginia Commonwealth University. When they’re not writing, they’re usually obsessing over typography, drawing comics, or looking for snails in the woods. Find her on Twitter @anweissman.

Megan Neville

Editorial Assistant

Megan Neville (she/her) is a writer and educator based in Cleveland, Ohio. She is the author of the poetry collection Our Lady of the Fallow (Trio House Press 2022) and the poetry chapbook Rust Belt Love Song (Game Over Books 2019). Her work has also appeared in West Branch, McSweeney’s, Pleiades,, and elsewhere. You can find her on Twitter @MegNev.

Jon Doyle

Editorial Assistant

Jon Doyle (@Jon Doyle) is a writer from the UK. His work has appeared in Hobart, Short Fiction, The Ploughshares Blog, The Rumpus, HAD, 3:AM Magazine and other places. Find him online at

Rachael Lin Wheeler

Editorial Assistant

Rachael Lin Wheeler is a writer who works at the rupture points of genre and discipline. Currently a student at Brown University, their work appears or is forthcoming in Waxwing, The Journal, Southern Humanities Review, wildness, The West Review, Lantern Review, and Gigantic Sequins, among others. A Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net nominee, finalist for Tinderbox Poetry Journal’s Brett Elizabeth Jenkins and Majda Gama Editors’ Prizes, and recipient of the Howard Nemerov Writing Scholarship, RL is an editorial assistant and poetry reader for Split Lip Magazine. Find them on Twitter @rlwheeler_ or at

Our rad af Readers


Rachel Lachmansingh, Vincent Anioke, Molly Andrea-Ryan, Leah Francesca Christianson, Ai Li Feng, Eli Kourtis, Melissa Lujan Mesku, Michael Simonds, Dominique Weldon, Tina Zhu, Vivan Zhu, Carly Alaimo, and Lily Ryan


Megan Neville, Daniel Warner, Trinity Dearborn, Saba Keramati, Jasmine Khaliq, Stella Lei, Lucie Pereira, Raina K. Puels, Teri Vela, Steven Espada Dawson, Carson Sandell, Christina Giarrusso Arbogast, Nicole Byrne, Erin Little, Nick Martino, Max Parker, Bleah Patterson, Cal Paule, Vincente Perez, Jessica Nirvana Ram, Quinn Rennerfeldt, T De Los Reyes, Mack Rogers, RL Wheeler, Gem Arbogast, Dia Becker, Alyson Dalrymple, Sal Kang, Emily Perkovich, Allya Yourish, Pepper Cunningham, brittny ray crowell, and Avery Yoder-Wells


AJ Jolish


Sara Ryan (Senior Reader), Alex Clark, Ashley Anderson, Christina Berke, SG Huerta, Karina Manta, Sarah Roth, Elijah Sparkman, Michael Todd Cohen, Elizabether Koster, Cassie Mattheis, Tyler Raso, Grace Dunbar-Miller, and Sabrina Bustamente


Sal Burnette, Cree Pettaway, Jordan Blanchard, Frances Choe, Brianna Cockett-Mamiya, Christina D’Antoni, Carolina Mata, Dallon Robinson, Aureleo Sans, Parth Shah, JB Stone, Andy Lopez, Sunwoo Jeong, Robin Van Impe, Emily Costa, Rachel Girty, Razi Shadmehry, Darwin Michener-Rutledge, and Ani King

Art Curators

Annie Brinich, Paula Camacho, Cindy Fan, and Michael Young

Our amazing Archival Assistants

Daniel Garcia, Leandra Lyon, Edie Patterson, Chas Phillips, Victoria Reyna-Rodriguez, Emily Woodworth

Editors Emeritus

We’ve had so many excellent people leading Split Lip Magazine!

In 2012, J. Scott Bugher founded Split Lip Magazine and Split Lip Press as a venue for showcasing art, music, and film, in addition to the fiction, poetry, and memoir traditionally found in literary magazines. In 2014, Amanda Miska took over the magazine and press, and she began cultivating an active, diverse community of writers and artists. In 2017, the magazine and press became two distinct entities under different leadership to better serve each group of writers and readers. Kaitlyn Andrews-Rice took over as Editor-in-Chief of Split Lip Magazine at that time, through August 2019. Under Kaitlyn’s leadership, the magazine published its first two print issues and took on its one-piece-per-genre format for the monthly web issues. This format allows the magazine to spotlight a handful of authors each month, showering them with editing and promotion love.

Although we continue to share a name, the press and the magazine are run as independent organizations.