Announcing the Split Lip Summer Mixtape Contest, Volume 1

That's right! We're holding a flash fiction contest, aka the Split Lip Summer Mixtape Contest, Volume 1.

Remember those days of recording songs from the radio or from another tape (or even a record...), in order to craft that perfect mix that would let someone know how you felt? Each tape told a story.

We asked Juan Martinez, author of Best Worst American, which is available now from Small Beer Press, to come up with his own summer mixtape (or playlist, because 2017). Your job is to decide what story these songs tell and write a flash fiction inspired by the playlist in 750 words or fewer.

The contest is open now and will run through 9/15, and the playlist is available on YouTube. Each entry is $7, and the prize is $250 and publication in Split Lip's very first print issue!

Check out the full details for all the fine print, then head over to YouTube and see where the playlist takes you.

We can't wait to read your work!

About the Judge

Juan Martinez was born in Bucaramanga, Colombia, and has since lived in Orlando, Florida, and Las Vegas, Nevada. He now lives in Chicago. He’s an assistant professor at Northwestern University. His work and has appeared in many literary journals and anthologies, including Glimmer Train, Ecotone, McSweeney's, National Public Radio's Selected Shorts, and elsewhere. Small Beer Press released Best Worst American, his story collection, in 2017. Visit and say hi at

SLMblog, flash contest