SLM Loves You: Second Person Pieces that Twist and Turn

Viewed from above, a drastic turn in a road shaped like an enormous U

Ah, the dreaded second person narrative, commonly criticized for being overused or poorly executed. We know that second person has its haters. But here at Split Lip, we love it! We’re all for pushing boundaries, and hate writing rules of any kind—especially ones that claim second person can never work. So, in honor of its unapologetic glory, we’re giving you some SLM recommendations that get second person right. 

Starting with Helen McClory’s “An Apocalypse in Seven Stages.” This flash fiction allows you to experience the world’s end, but not in a way you might expect. There’s no panic or chaos here. Instead, it is introspective, highlighting the beauty and essence of life even in its final moments. This story has a lot of heart. And, its universally applicable voice makes it feel personal—like a call to action for self-reflection and self-love! 

Sometimes, though, it’s hard to value yourself. “Swimming Lessons,” by Maeda Ali, is a fiction piece that follows a young protagonists’ insecurities during swimming class when compared to wealthy, more confident girls. The second person narration leaves no distance between you and the plot. So, you’re not just witnessing a character’s humiliation—you’re experiencing it, making the story both uncomfortable and visceral. We recommend this piece because of how it uniquely depicts the desperate desire for belonging, and the internalized inferiority that follows when those needs aren’t met.

Bits of love, longing, and loneliness are also sprinkled throughout Razi Shadmehry’s flash fiction, “The Green House”. With rich sensory language and narration that feels like a stream of consciousness, you feel fully present—touching the walls, overhearing the chatter, and walking through a chaotic shared house first hand. This piece contrasts thrill with exhaustion, and internal thoughts with external action to create a lifestyle and story that feels breathless.  

“Learning How to Fall,” by Tyler Dunning, takes a nontraditional approach to memoir, engaging you with its immersive second person POV. Through this lens you learn how it feels to undergo the training, feel the passion, and witness the harsh reality of professional wrestling. We love how real it feels! This story does an amazing job at highlighting the power of memory, and how one instance can shatter the fantasies of a dream. By the end, you’ll know what it truly means to fall. 

Past memories are hauntingly referenced in Ray Shea’s “The Graveyard of Stories and Songs.” This lyrical memoir pulls you through years worth of emotional moments with a lover. Yet, despite shifting across different points in the past, the direct address keeps you anchored in time. It seamlessly integrates literature and music as you grapple with the beauty and sadness of a now broken connection. Eventually, the story comes full circle with you standing in a cemetery…

The prior two stories have shown you that the past does have a way of manifesting itself in extreme ways. But, “Of Coors Light and Clones: A Story About Dave” by K.M. McCorkendale takes it to a surreal level. In this piece, you attempt to create numerous versions of the ideal partner (“Dave”), a compulsion that stems from parental neglect. But, when trying to remake what you lost, oftentimes, you won’t be satisfied. 

What’s something really satisfying? Releasing a full bladder. Okay, let us explain with “If You’re Feeling Froggy,” by Kayla Lightner. This fiction goes deep, bringing you on a tense roadtrip through hostile terrain all while having to hold it in. You feel the urgency, the desire, and the eventual defiance! It is an intimate story that weaves together thoughtful imagery with feelings of unease to show how lessons meant to elicit strength may, in fact, lead to fear. 

Another trip-centered piece is Jeremey T. Wilson’s fiction, “Happy Hibernation!” In this story, you, your father, and a squirrel named Mr. Peanut set out for Lake Mercy, a place promised to be a natural paradise. It is filled with twists and surprises you won’t see coming. We’ll just let you know in advance that things don’t exactly go as planned. This piece uses irony to create an innovative world where a search for relief leads to deeper confusion. 

SG Huerta’s poem, “Trans Poetica,” captures the confusion that often accompanies self-discovery and gender identity. The second-person perspective creates a resonance that would likely be lost if it were told through any other narration style. It allows readers to empathize with the speaker and step into this experience through its specific details. From familial expectations to talk of Pokémon Pearl—each bit of nostalgia helps illustrate a complex path to self-acceptance. 

Finally, “Choose Your Own Adventure: Reparation as a Fable,” by Jonathan Andrew Pérez, employs well-crafted storybook elements to address racial violence and systemic failure. This poem directly exposes you to unresolved histories that challenge you to confront your own moral responsibility. It uses interactive storytelling—a familiar second person trope that, when executed well, can be extremely impactful. And in this case, it truly is. Will you be a witness or participant? Complicit or proactive? Choose where you stand in the ongoing conversation on reparation with this powerful and proactive poem. 

Evangeline Lim (@ev.angline) is currently pursuing English and Media Studies at the University of California Berkeley. She is an intern at Split Lip Magazine, and a weekender staff-writer at The Daily Californian. Outside of reading and writing, she loves trying new restaurants, watching romcoms, and her pet turtle, Murdtle.