Now Playing: March 2023

Our March edition of Now Playing features misheard lyrics, film noir, and ambient writing jams, all from our contributors!

Emily Myles

I write almost exclusively to the “Sable” soundtrack by Japanese Breakfast. It’s ambient and instrumental without being drone, energetic without being distracting, and there are some really fun moments that always make me smile. She’s a songwriter and a memoirist so I think it’s so interesting that she created a near perfect ambient writing album!

Geetha Iyer

My mum is introducing my kid to tracks from The Sound of Music, so this weekend we watched “How do you solve a problem like Maria?” for the first time since I was a child. I can still sing along to the whole thing, but I’m sort of shocked at all the words I misheard or didn’t know back then. You know how it is--your kid brain fills in the blanks for the sounds you don’t understand: “but her penitence is real” was “but her pen-in-tents is real;” “Maria’s not an asset to the abbey,” was “Maria’s not an as-end to the abbey,” etc. For some reason though, “flibbertigibbet” was never anything but “flibbertigibbet.” Some words just make sense, I guess.

Theresa Pisani

I’ve been watching Sunday Night Noir on the movies network. It’s fascinating to step back in time and observe the styles, customs and mannerisms of that bygone era. It’s interesting to see that they had some of the same problems in that time as we still do today. I never thought I’d enjoy old films so much. 


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