November is Fiction and Memoir Feedback Month!

Missing workshop? Need a fresh set of editorial eyes on a short story or memoir? Throughout the month of November, memoir editor Ray Shea will be offering feedback for up to 15 writers (max 2000 words) and fiction editor Katie M. Flynn will be offering feedback for up to 8 writers (max 3500 words).

More details will be available at our Submittable page on November 1.

Of his feedback style, Ray says:

When I read nonfiction submissions for Split Lip, I'm asking of each piece the same things I ask about my own writing. Does it have a strong beginning, and a punch-in-the-gut ending? Does the pacing carry the story? If not, can I fix it by deleting words or sections, or adding more white space? How am I maintaining tension, and where are the places where the tension escapes like air from a leaky balloon? And finally, since it's nonfiction, I know it is true, but why does it matter?

For newer writers I flag some common missteps that I still catch myself making: passive verbs, weak descriptors, overuse of adverbs, run-on sentences that don't need to run on.

And obviously, when writing works, I mark it as "Hell yes! Love this!"

There's a great quote from Jim Shepard where he describes the best reader responses you can get as "wearying, in that they believe that anything can be improved, and with a sense of hope, in that they believe that anything can be transformed." I try my best to achieve that.

Regarding her feedback method, Katie shares:

In my opinion, the best feedback honors the writer’s intent while challenging the choices taken to get there. To that end, I will highlight the elements of your story that I think are most successful and point out the areas where I think the story needs improvement, including feedback on such issues as: plot and character development, voice, structure and pacing, setting, imagery and language. Feedback will take the form of margin notes and a 350-word response organized into clear recommendations for revision with an eye toward publication.

Each editor's service is available for $35 per story/memoir. You won't want to miss this chance to gain valuable insight on your work!
