Listen Loud: Jan. 2018


Listen Loud is a monthly rundown of music and music-related odds and ends from all corners of the internet. Feast your eyes (and ears) on this month’s list below.

Lotta great artists releasing albums this year. Which ones are you looking forward to most? 

Didn’t even listen to the single before the receipt for the preorder was in my inbox. She’s that good, people.

Best festival lineup of the year or best festival lineup ever? I’m probably going.

Probably going to have to wait to see the film. Until then, the soundtrack will tide me over.

How could not enjoy the hell out of this? Note: best listened to with a side of pineapple and processed meat.

Stop toying with my emotions and release Dear Tommy! Or, you know, just send me the pieces and I’ll figure something out.

What was your NYE soundtrack? Here’s a nice write-up about mine.

The titular person wasn’t a fan of the song but everyone else was.

This is how it starts. One minute you’re bopping along and then…

If you’ve liked what you’ve read in my past SLM interviews, buy some music and support the fine artists over at Egghunt Records.

Christopher Wolford is a music fan and writer, in that order. He is the Managing Editor for BULL and a frequent contributor to Split Lip Magazine. He lives in Bloomington, IN. You can find him promoting all his favorite artists here.

Photo by Eric Nopanen on Unsplash