Just One Thing with SG Huerta

SG Huerta’s cat

Just as an ars poetica is a poem that explains the art of poetry, SG Huerta’s March issue poem “trans poetica” is a poem that explains the art of being trans. Here they share just one thing about the piece:

“‘trans poetica’ is my most direct ‘I'm trans’ poem at the moment. The speaker tried to hide in the footnotes so I had to ease more of him out into the body of the poem. When writing, I didn’t expect it to be read or published during a time where Texas, my home, is actively trying to kill us so blatantly. Texas has always tried– that's probably why I waited until my dad’s death to live my life or write this poem at all. I think about this often, but also about how much of a privilege the reflection I’ve been afforded through poetry is, how I’m now more able to speak up and act, especially for trans youth in Texas.”

SLMblog, just one thing