Just One Thing with Pegah Ouji

Pegah Ouji’s flash “In the Name of Those Optimist Iranian Fools” leaves the moon behind for love of a twin sister and Iran. Here she shares just one thing about the piece:

“I’ve been so blessed to know and love a few of these real-life, optimist Iranian fools- Anisa and Naghmeh to name two. I want to let them know here how much I appreciate them, how much I draw continual inspiration from their courage, undying hope and optimism- qualities sorely needed in our world today.  

This story grew organically, initially written as a response to a Smokelong prompt. Every few months I would revisit it, particularly when I missed my own Iranian Fools, when my heart was tight from the distance that separates me from my country. I would take out parts, add new ones, until over time, a narrative thread began to take shape.”

SLMblog, just one thing