Just One Thing with Nefertiti Asanti

The author as Baby Bop on Halloween in The Bronx, circa '95

The author as Baby Bop on Halloween in The Bronx, circa '95

Halloween may have come and gone, but you can still trick-or-treat with Nefertiti Asanti’s October issue flash “lil miss jackson.” Here Nefertiti shares just one thing about the piece:

“lil miss jackson is part of a collection of pieces I am writing that celebrate Black children's agency and triumphs. The title character of this piece is a reimagining of who my mommy might have been as a kid. Aspects of this story was told to me by my mommy and late grandma, but a lot of the content in this piece was made up during a free-write session with my Black writing group in Oakland. In this group I've been attending for the past four or five years, it's been a safe place for me to tell the truth prismatically. There's some truth or real events up in here, but I permitted myself to make things up while doing my best to honor the people's real lived lives being implicated. I decided if I'm going to write about Black people, Black children–people I love–I must tell stories rooted in integrity.”

SLMblog, just one thing