Just One Thing with Kadazia Allen-Perry

Kadazia Allen-Perry’s art “Unbothered” is bold, splashy, the pieces building to something vibrant. Here they share just one thing about the piece:

“This piece was actually inspired by the piece of card board the collage is glued to. There were four pieces total and so I made four collages. The cardboard looked like it was separated into these jigsaw pieces that for whatever reason spoke to me. It was in the process of making this collage where I said ‘Let Go Kadazia.’ And so I did. I forgot about matching the color of skin tone, hair, and accessories and just played. I learned to trust myself and my creativity while I worked on this. I was so proud in the end to be like, ‘Oh wow, I made dis with mine own hands!’”

A golden brown dog looking into the distance while sitting on a plush pink pillow on a dark blue couch. The wall behind the couch is decked out with original artworks in various sizes and colors

Photo credit: Matt Goias 

SLMblog, just one thing