Just One Thing with Jade Jones

Jade Jones’ flash “Sanctuary” zooms us in on the fear and vulnerability that comes during the crush of a mammogram, threaded through with the unexpected poignance from adopting a mini-goat. Here she shares just one thing about the piece:

“Something about ‘Sanctuary’ that folks might not know is that it’s my first flash fiction story. It’s definitely the first one I’ve published (I published a micro essay many years ago). But I also think it might be one of the first flash fiction works I’ve written. Stories usually come to me in longer form short fiction (3,000 words and up), so this surprised me when I wrote it and it felt ‘complete’ after so few words on the page. I love reading poetry and flash fiction, but I’ve always just felt like I needed more space to get the full story out. ‘Sanctuary’ was a fun experiment for me!”

Headshot of Jade Jones, a Black woman smiling at the camera. She wears gold hoop earrings and a cardigan over a light blue button-down.
SLMblog, just one thing