Just One Thing with Delta N.A.

Two people, one standing and one kneeling, work on a  painting in progress

Delta N.A. working on Epic

Delta N.A.’s work, “Epic,” created as a gorgeous act of collaboration, adds synchrony and vibrant intensity to October’s issue. Here they share just one thing about the piece:

“When we started painting the big canvas that became ‘Epic’, it was springtime and the light was perfect around us. Everything started flowing out of our brushes without any thoughts. We were descended in a place of our souls where mind and judgments could not reach us. Every brushstroke was suggesting us new things and opening new doors on our perception. We followed every new segment until its end and harmonized them to create a unique symphony. At the end we signed it, it was October, it took six months to make it. Afternoon light was weak and softly disappearing from our studio while we sit in front of the painting and suddenly we realized that it was our story.”

SLMblog, just one thing