Just One Thing with Buffy Shutt


That's right! The feature is Just One Thing, but this week, you get a two-fer. We're wrapping up the week with the author of our June issue featured short story, Buffy Shutt. Be sure to check out her wonderful story "Inventory Control" if you haven't (or hey, give it another read!). Here, she gives us just one thing about the story's inspiration:

"I have had migraines. I had an image of a woman sick with a migraine lying in a dark room and able to communicate with her kids only via code. Funnily, the mother didn’t end up becoming the main character of this story. It wound up being about how the daughter, Brie absorbs or jettisons the trappings, memories, slights, illnesses of childhood to make her way as an adult. I would add that the story was also propelled my own (distinctly Virgo-ian) love of list making."