Just One Thing with Ariele Le Grand


Ariele Le Grand’s August issue flash “The Lines You Cross” allows the reader to experience a long span of time in a very short space. Here she shares just one thing about the piece:

"I am fascinated by the subjectivity of memory and time. I am always playing this game with my partner: trying to pin things down to a year and place, citing my facts and details. There are still big questions we can't resolve, because we can't agree on who broke up with whom in the summer of 2012, (or was it in the winter of the following year?) My mother often jokes that I have a terrible memory, but I do remember—just not her version of the thing. ‘The Lines You Cross,’ was inspired, in part, by these dilemmas in relationships: which moments in time slowed down for you while they sped along for others...who started or ended what.”

SLMblog, just one thing