Fightin' Words with Melissa Ragsly


Melissa Ragsly is the author of this month's featured short story.  She gives us "Patti Smith," the kind of short story that makes us want to crank up "Because the NIght" and sing along forever. And here, she gives us the Microsoft Word-approved single best word for:

1)      The way your voice sounds so much better in the shower or car than at karaoke: acoustic-tomfoolery 
2)      Seeing a movie you used to love:  thirst-quenching
3)      Your driver's license photo: full-faced
4)      Your sense of style: comfort-grunge
5)      Finishing a book: rarely-done
6)      A smell that takes you back: computer-lab
7)      Being embarrassed by something you're watching television: small-making
8)      The first warm day of spring:  ever-green