19 Rounds with Amy Rossi


Managing editor Amy Rossi joined Split Lip's staff in April, and she couldn't be happier to be a part of the team. She's the latest editor to go 19 Rounds:


1. Early bird or night owl?
Night owl, even on the days when I need to be an early bird.

2. What was your worst haircut?
A tie between the time my sister gave me a haircut that somehow led to me having a mullet for like a year at age 4, and the haircut I got a year and a half ago that involved some confusing side bangs, a brutal reminder that "shoulder-length" means something completely else when you don't have a neck of elegant length, and crying for two days.

3. If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Probably "Breakdown" by Guns N' Roses. It's spoken to me in different ways at different times. And maybe if I listened to it forever, I'd come around on the spoken word part at the end. (Probably not.)

4. Can you roll your tongue?
Both one roll and three.

5. Mayonnaise: yes or no?
Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nopefest 2017

6. What is your least favorite word to come across when reading a book or story?
Plump, especially when used to describe a woman. (I'm feeling especially trolled by this in the book I am currently reading.)

7. Which movie was better than the book?
About a Boy.

8. What was your first concert?
A triple bill of Culture Club, Human League, and Howard Jones in 1998.

9. It's Friday night. You're home alone. What did you order for dinner and what's on the TV?
Chinese food and Full House reruns, a 90s romantic comedy, or, in the months of November and December, a Hallmark Christmas movie.

10. How do you take your coffee?
Iced, year-round.

11. What expression do you use that most people have never heard?
"Son of a carpenter," or perhaps the ever-gold Dad-isms "lord love a duck" and "good beef gravy."

12. What movie have you seen the most times?
Road House, followed closely by Rocky IV, When Harry Met Sally, and He's Just Not That Into You.

13. What is the best thing you cook or bake?
Cook: penne in vodka cream sauce
Bake: white chocolate peppermint bark cheesecake

14. Finish this sentence: More people should be reading _______________.
outside of their comfort zone.

15. Favorite time-waster?
Reading television recaps. Sometimes for shows I don't watch.

16. What's the hardest thing about writing?
Staying self-motivated when there's very little external validation to keep going.

17. What's the best thing about writing?
Finding out something I wrote has brought some kind of comfort or validation to someone.

18. What is your favorite sentence from a short story or poem?
"Now you are older and know it [mistress] can mean many things, but essentially it means to put your shoes on the wrong feet." -- Lorrie Moore, "How To Be An Other Woman."

19. What question were you hoping to be asked?
Did you write these questions?


For more about Amy, check out her website, Twitter, and her latest story in CHEAP POP.

SLMblog, 19 rounds