10 SLM Pets for 10 Years

These Split Lip staff pets are all just as excited as we are that we’ve reached ten years of the magazine! We wanted to honor their loving support and also show you their adorable faces. Enjoy, and celebrate alongside us by attending our reading on November 15th and ordering our 10th Anniversary postcards, which feature gorgeous words and artwork from 10 contributors!


10th Anniversary Reading: November 15th, 8pm ET/5pm PT

Pre-order Big Anniversary, Tiny Work Postcards for a special rate!

Dante (small) and Neo (tall), dogs of Memoir Reader Sakae Manning

Ellie and Sora, dogs of Assistant Flash Editor Tammy Lee

Mochi, dog of Poetry Reader Clayre Benzadón

Arrow, dog of Poetry Reader Teri Vela

Oliver (orange) and Meatball (black/white), cats of Flash Reader Sal Burnette

Max, dog of Editor-in-Chief Maureen Langloss

Charlie Brown, dog of Assistant Fiction Editor Anne Rasmussen

Winston, dog of Managing Editor Wendy Oleson

Meera, dog of Social Media Manager Wendy E Wallace

Ryuu (black) and Pasha (Siamese), cats of Poetry Editor Rita Mookerjee

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