Split Lip News


A note from founder J. Scott Bugher

Hey Split Lip Musketeers—

J. Scott Bugher here writing to say hello and give you the skinny on what’s happening here at Split Lip.

First, I thought I’d mention I have officially stepped down as Editor-in-Chief due to chronic health problems that have grown to be too much of a burden for me to maintain my activity with the magazine, though I will continue as publisher and web designer. The good news is, though, my sickness is kind of a blessing in disguise given it has led to Split Lip winning our new Editor-in-Chief Amanda Miska. She is going to take this publication to such higher levels than I’d ever manage to pull off. She’s a brilliant writer, a strong voice in the literary community and former (perhaps, at times, still) the fiction curator at Luna Luna Magazine. Stand by for all of the exciting plans she has for the magazine. I endorse and champion her 100%, and I assure you, you’re gonna love her. 

Secondly, prior to recruiting and scoring Amanda, I am super proud to say this current issue (April–June, 2015) has been guest-edited by the amazing Kristina Marie Darling. She’s a gem, and discovering her work a couple of years ago has resulted in a very good relationship between the two of us. You can find some of her work published by Split Lip or read a Split Lip book review, and you can visit her own website, where you’ll learn about all of her 17,382 books she has published with about 14,377 presses, and an estimated 1094 fellowships, grants, residencies and awards she has earned over the years as a master poet, and some other fun facts about here. After reading this issue, you’ll learn about KMD’s keen discernment for pure talent. When all she had gathered had been sent my way, I was boggled by the quality of each artist selected for this issue. It’s a humbling blessing to have Kristina deliver us the goods this time around. I’d also highly recommend purchasing a few of her books and delight in some very unique and innovative poetry and prose. You won’t think writerly; you’ll think wizardry. Brilliant, she is. Absolutely brilliant. 

Thirdly, we’re excited for this issue’s poetry contributor, Sandra Marchetti. Just a few weeks ago, her collection Confluence was released by a fave press of ours, Sundress Publications. After reading the goodies she contributed to this month’s issue here, you’re likely gonna run off to your favorite online retailer to pick up a copy. She’s the real deal who writes the real deal to prove it. Screw it, just go get the book!

Who’s saying what? Poet Eric Pankey praises Confluence, considering the poems “richly eloquent and delicately nuanced as they illuminate the enigmatic.” Another fantastic poet Sally Keith chimes in about the book: “This lyric poetry celebrates the intimate as ebullient, charged...Marchetti has convincingly made us a world.” The list of praises goes on and on, folks.

Without fear, and not shy to admit, Sandra states: “All authors have influences, and I wanted mine laid bare,” which they are as found in Confluence. That, people, is the type of statement spoken by only a writer who includes a dash of humility to her full CV and biography. It seems many writers would rather believe they’re the next big deal and are producing works so innovative it’d be impossible to compare them to any other writer or artist of any medium. Sandra likes other artists. Gotta problem with that?

Ironically, Sandra and I have something in common. We are both midwest writers who left our native land in exchange for making silly poems on the east coast. She’s from Chicago then lived in Washington D.C. and is now back in Chicago; I’m from Indianapolis and am now in Richmond, Virginia, though I have no immediate plans to return to the midwest. It is important to note the majority of the poems in Confluence are written about her connection with the midwest, and for her, it’s a matter of homesickness. However, some of the poems are based on her reunion with her native city, though with a twist. While in D.C., she met the man who is now her husband, so I’m certain traces of him might be found in this book. Perhaps traces of peanuts, too, depending on the printing company.

Good things, folks. Good things. And talented writers like Sandra are very worthy of things of such nature. Again, we highly recommend giving her a read here and maybe even at Thrush, Tupelo, or Word Riot. Dig it!

Last but not least, Split Lip Press will be releasing a new full-length poetry collection by mastermind madman poet Michael MeyerhoferWhat To Do If You’re Buried Alive (tutorial included free with purchase of the book). The book will be released any day now. We’re just hashing out a few last minute details, so stand by. In the meantime, read some poems from the collection on Split Lip. Oh yeah, you’re sold. You know what the good stuff is. Rock! Stay tuned.

SLMblog, from an editor