

A note from Editor-in-Chief Amanda Miska

Well, friends, here it is: my last issue as Split Lip’s EIC. I have been spreading myself so thin, between the magazine and the press, my family, and paying work that the thing to suffer has been my writing. Something had to give, and I knew the magazine would be in great hands with Kaitlyn Andrews-Rice at the helm. I am resting easy about this transition, but I’m still gonna miss the magazine that made me an editor and the Mama Bear of a truly talented fam. Now, I’m just gonna be the weird but cool aunt while I put my energy toward growing Split Lip Press (and finishing a novel and reading actual books occasionally and maybe even drafting a short story or essay here and there).

And we’re also sad to bid goodbye to our badass poetry editor Sara Biggs Chaney, who is similarly leaving to focus on her own work/life. She has been a GIFT. In honor of her departure, we’re featuring her Split Lip poems in this month’s Blast from the Past. Please take note of her amazing work and look for more of it out in the world.

Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes...two new editors on board (who you will meet shortly), and we’re also thrilled to introduce a brand new Editorial Assistant, Becky Robison (whose awesomeness precedes her). And readers (who you will also get to know shortly). So many good things ahead for this mag + this fam, and I’m excited.

Thank you to everyone who I’ve gotten to work with, who has read and supported the magazine, who has submitted work, who has shared issues on social media, who has been along for the ride longer than I have, and everyone who is newly on board. I love this magazine, this editorial team, and this fam and couldn’t be prouder of what it has grown into the past few years, which I honestly take very little credit for.

See ya around.


SLMblog, from an editor